Tuesday 29 October 2013

BanglaNews24.com pressuring security force to take a hard line approach on anti-government protesters

One of the leading on-line news media, BanglaNews24.com, had recently published a news on current activities of the Bangladesh Police, accusing police in being inactive in facing anti-government protesters on the street. They even accused police for letting the anti-government protesters do their rallies and gatherings in different parts of Bangladesh. They reported only few police are active and taking strong action against the protesters, and the rest are inactive at the end of this government's regime.

Link Of the Report: http://banglanews24.com/detailsnews.php?nssl=a17e2b34005e86184920f197167d4318&nttl=28102013234750

This is an example of Bangladesh's yellow Media. They pressurise the police department in taking a more hardline approach on peaceful protesters; in affect instigating more violence. In helping the ruling government to kill true democracy in Bangladesh, they are encouraging the ruling party to take away the fundamental constitutional rights and freedom of Bangladeshi People.

It is the duty of the media to be a voice for the people, to help bring peace and stability in the country. In the last 60 hours Hartal we have seen peaceful protests in different parts of the country where police haven't take any action. There are even video clips of protesters chanting 'Police is our Brothers'.  Rather than supporting this good peaceful environment, BanglaNews24 com are pressurising the police to be more hard on those peaceful protesters.

Below You will see some pictures and videos of peaceful protests where police didn't attack the protesters:

 Police passing a demonstration. Peaceful protesters making way for them.

In this video: peaceful protesters chanting: 'Police is Our Brothers'

Saturday 26 October 2013

UN suggests Khaleda Zia to accept Awami League offer is a distorted and fabricated report by Bdnews24.com

Written by: David Bergman

Another example of declining standards at bdnews24.com, and its partisanship towards the Awami League govt ('Recording History' their recent logo, what a joke!). The agency sends a breaking news alert saying 'UN says PM's initiative for talks is positive, Opposition should accept it since it is the only way out of deadlock'. Now that sounds pretty significant, so I go to their website to get the full story. Headline of top article states 'PM’s invitation should be heeded: UN'. And the first paras states the following: 'UN Assistant Secretary General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco has said the BNP should have responded positively to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s invitation to start a dialogue to end the deadlock.' So wow, this is significant it seems. It is only however in the next paragraph, that you read that this was stated not by the UN official but by .... yes Bangladesh's Permanent Representative to UN AK Abdul Momen. One must ask (a) why bdnews24 did not contact the UN to confirm if this is what was stated or (b) if they felt they wanted to go with government statement, make it very clear in the headline that this is what the AL government official said to bdnews, not what the UN said! It may well be the case the UN said this (I personally think that they should have) but anyone who has has to deal with the Bangladesh govt should know that on some many occasions govt ministers simply do not relay accurately what diplomats have said to them. You really would expect bdnews to understand that - but they are so keen to butter up the government, they have lost their direction on so many of their stories.


Basherkella Unmasked Prothom Alo's Propaganda!

Prothom Alo (One of the leading National News Paper in Bangladesh) today posted a Photo with two armed men.. They accused those two armed men as Shibir Cadres! Screenshot of Prothom Alo's News:
Very soon awami run Facebook pages posted this propaganda. Tried to portray Shibir as terrorist Group.
Even a Facebook page run by Prime Minister Hasina's daughter Salma Wazed Putul joined this propaganda. Screenshot of the Propaganda given below.

But Prothom alo and their Gang failed in their mission. Within Few minutes. Popular Facebook page Basherkella exposed this yellow Journalism. They Published an Exclusive Video which clearly proves these two men were Chatra League (Student Wing of Ruling Govt.) thugs and were shooting at peaceful unarmed Shibir Protesters. The two young man pictured in the Prothom Alo Newspaper are seen in the video working alongside Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) and shooting into the backs of the protesters. The video (which went Viral in Social Media in Minutes) also shows there were several other Armed men with AK-47 and other heavy weapons. They were shooting at the peaceful protesters along with the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB).

Prothom Alo states that the individuals with heavy guns are shibir members. However, the video exposes the truth. The individuals shooting the rifles can be seen over a whole 1 minute shooting alongside with RAB into a crowd of protesters; hence cannot possibly be shibir members.

The photographer Shahidul Islam must have been aware of the context and situation of the picture. Prothom Alo did not make even prelimanry checks before making such an accusation against shibir.

Basherkella Video: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=157673514442215&set=vb.428835640537739&type=2&theater

Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3uZ2gKdEPk&feature=youtu.be

A Short Documentary on these Propaganda!

Friday 11 October 2013

Shameless Daily Star Justifying the killing of Police!

His name is Rafiqul Islam. Only 22-23 years old. Yesterday (10/10/2013), he was brutally killed by Bangladesh Police. He was in a Procession at Darshana upaziala brought down by Bangladesh Islami Chatrashibir demanding release of all Jamaat-Shibir leaders. Police attacked on the protesters. Protesters tried to fight back. Police open fired, a bullet hit Rafiqul's head. He died on the Spot.

Unfortunately, newspaper like Daily Star took the opportunity to propagate against Shibir. Found a cunning idea to portray Jamaat-Shibir as extremists in the international arena. They tried to justifying this horrible killing of Bangladesh Police.

Daily Star's Headline was : ''Shibir men attack puja mandap''. 
They mentioned about 1 killing in a small headline. This clearly shows their intention. They wanted to highlighted the attack. Whereas killing by the police was less important to them.
Here is the Screen Shot of Daily Star's Report: 

Carefully Look at the two highlighted boxes in the screenshot. 

Box 01 ) Daily Star report says 'Shibir Attacked', then they broke 'electric lights' and vandalized 'a Platform designated for Guest'.

Box 02) According to the report, Rafiqul was killed while police driving them away from the Temple. And police had to kill the shibir men to stop them from attacking Police. 

Now let's expose their Yellow Journalism. We will try to find out the truth behind the incident.

Daily Star says shibir activists brought out a procession at Darshana town. After the procession Shibir gathered at Darshana Bus Stand. Police came and told them to leave. Shibir men left and took position at Haltchadpur near the Hindu Temple. There they 'Attacked the Hindu Temple'. But the truth is there is no Hindu temple within 1.5 KM of the area where the clash occurred.  How come they attack a hindu temple whereas there is no Temple nearby! Clearly, Daily Star is good at making story! 
( The red line in the Map shows Darshana Area and the red circle is the rail Station where the victim died ). 

Local and national newspaper reported policed attacked from behind soon after the procession started. There was no mention that shibir left the area and gathered in another place to attack the temple. They didn't mention any attack on the hindu temple. Rather, few gave referece of a police statement where police claimed shibir planned to attack the temple and therefore they had to use force to disperse the protesters! 

In the same day, Shibir took out procession all over the country. In few places, there were clash with the police but most of the procession was peaceful and there is no incident where they attack any temple. ( You can find all the photos of the demonstration here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/91970981@N03/sets/72157636392203793/ ,and all the videos in this Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWUa47HXIwE-67bmlOcPDw )

Now let's look at what local Newspaper described about the incident: 

This is a screen shot of a popular local newspaper of 'Chuwadanga Distrcit', named 'Daily Mathabhanga'. In  highlighted Box 1, newspaper reported, during the demonstration there was clash between protester and police. Rafiqul Islam died on the spot nearby Darshana Station by police bullet. 

In Box 2: they gave a statement of Police. Police mention shibir men were planning to attack Hindu temple. Police stopped them from going towards the temple which resulted clash with them. On the clash 1 shibir men were dead. 
Now which is the truth ? Daily Star mention 'Shibir Attacked' temple. Whereas local newspaper saying giving reference of Police that the police stopped shibir from marching towards the temple! However, everyone knows most of the police officers are from ruling party members and they are good at making stories.

Box 3:  Puja (Hindu Festival) celebration committee President Suresh Bashfore said: 'There was no attack on the temple.'
This is really interesting. Member of the Hindu temple saying there was no attack. But Daily Star mentioned Shibir Attacked! T

Box 4: Local people accused Police S.I. Mizanur Rahman for the shooting. Local people mentioned there is no temple in that area. Nearest Temple is 1.5 KM away!

Finally Let's Look at what other National Newspaper reported about the incident.

This is what they reported on what happened: 
'' Local Islami Chhatra Shibir leaders and activists brought out a procession at Darshana Railway Bazar around 3 pm as part of their central programme demanding release of all Jamaat-Shibir leaders, including Shibir president Delwar Hossain before Eid-ul-Azha.
Witnesses said the clash erupted when police obstructed the procession and chased the processionists.
After being chased, the Shibir men retaliated hurling brick chips at police, triggering a clash.
At one stage of chase and counter chase, police opened fire on the Shibir activists, leaving Rafiqul dead on the spot and two other Shibir men injured.''

Translation of the Highlighted part:
'Witness Say, Shibir brought out a procession in Darshana Rail Bazar area. After some time, police attacked from behind. Police fired at the protesters after Shibir men tried to fight back. Rafiqul Islam was shot and died on the spot. Two others were injured.

Tranlation of the highlighted part: 
'According to the witness, shibir start a procession in about 3PM. Police chased them and fired bullet. At that time, shibir worker Rafiqul Islam died on the Spot. 

This is an interesting news. This will clearly give you an idea how police make up stories! 
Translation of the highlighted part: 
''Damurhuda Police station's acting OC Ahsan Habib said from the spot, during the clash one shibir protester died in Haltchadpur, Darshana, neat the Rail Line. He also said, we are still unsure whether the protester died in police bullet or a hit from a Steel Rod! 

Shibir started a procession from Darshana Bus Station. After going for a while, police attacked from behind to disperse the protesters. Shibir workers fight back with rocks. In response police fired at the protesters. During the clash, shibir worker rafikul Islam died in the Spot.  

Important Notes:

1) There is no Temple within 1.5 km where the clash took place.
2) News on popular local newspaper contradict what Daily star Reported
3) President of Puja (Hindu Prayer) celebration Committee said there was no attack on their temple
4) Police gave funny and contradictory statement in different news media
5) Other national media did not mentioned about the attack on the temple. Few mentioned Policed stated they shot to disperse the protesters while shibir were planning to attack temple

This is how Daily star try to propagate against Jamaat and shibir. Back up every brutal action of the ruling party by justifying their oppression against jamaat-shibir.